Looking Forward to Building APS Capability

Business coaching and consulting - feature in the Canberra Times 27 April 2022 Regardless of which party wins the election on May 21, the Australian Public Service (APS) will soon have to deliver on a major new policy and reform agenda. The team at consulting firm Tanner James says that a transient workforce is not [...]

By |2022-05-16T11:09:46+10:00May 16th, 2022|PRINCE2, Professional Development|0 Comments

Pacific island country – Case Study

We recently worked with a Pacific island country to assist their revenue department implement a comprehensive revenue collection strategy. With our trainer working from home and participants gathered in a conference room, we used video-conferencing to help them identify and plan their projects. Over a period of six months, Principal Consultant and Trainer; Ray Ahern, [...]

By |2021-10-13T09:36:06+11:00October 13th, 2021|PRINCE2, Professional Development|0 Comments

Keys To Success For An APS IT Infrastructure Program

I think consulting companies can sometimes gloss up their successes and ignore their more frustrating experiences.  Certainly, being a consultant who cares about the outcome can be testing sometimes as it’s not always possible to connect and communicate the keys to success.  Or if you do connect with one part of the organisation, there [...]

By |2020-09-29T13:59:27+10:00August 27th, 2020|MSP, PRINCE2, Program Management, Project Management|0 Comments

How Does Your Project Or Program Stack-Up?

Are you doing the right things at the right time? Could you be doing things better? Is your initiative on-track and meeting expectations? Where should you focus effort when time is short? These are common questions for even the most experienced manager. However, they are hard to answer objectively when you’re in the thick [...]

By |2020-09-29T14:04:59+10:00July 23rd, 2020|APS, Leadership, PRINCE2|0 Comments

DTA Digital Summit 2019 – Tanner James Reflections

Canberra put on a perfect spring day and public servants from across the Territory and beyond came out to network. Congratulations to the DTA for a well organised event – the venue and speakers were first class and this created a great atmosphere and engaged discussions. This event acknowledged that data and technology continue [...]

The cost of project management stress: Is it keeping you awake at night?

So, what keeps you awake at night? This is a regular introductory question in meetings with clients across Canberra. The more that governments demand “more with less” of the APS, the greater the pressure and stress on everyone involved in policy development and implementation. Recent academic research has highlighted the impact of this “more [...]

By |2019-11-25T05:50:01+11:00September 26th, 2019|Leadership, PRINCE2, Project Management|0 Comments

Are the best project manager’s specialists or generalists?

The recently published 2019 PPM Benchmark study from AXELOS found that the majority of project managers (54%) felt that in order to be successful in the future, they would need to become more generalist. That compared to only 34% who believed the opposite that they needed to focus on becoming more specialist. This in [...]

The Greatest Project Management Challenge Of 2019: Communication

The recently published 2019 PPM benchmark study by AXELOS found that project managers greatest challenge to successfully delivering projects was “Poor communication”. The study, involving project and programme professionals from around the world, found communication was a greater problem than any of a lack of skills or training, over-ambitious timeframes or senior management support. [...]

By |2019-11-25T05:52:27+11:00July 28th, 2019|PRINCE2, Project Management|0 Comments

How to successfully adopt self-organisation in project teams

A project is defined as a temporary activity where a team is assembled to create a unique product or service that is so complex that it can’t be handled through the normal day-to-day operations of a business. The manner in which the project team work together and the management style that they work under [...]

Digital Transformation; Essential but Hard

Recently I presented a webinar along side Tom Lynam where we discussed digital transformation and some of the systemic challenges currently faced by organisations. While I got some early feedback that this topic already had a lot of content available, I wanted to write this post to share some of the key items we [...]

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