I said in a recent blog of mine that “unless you have been hiding under a rock recently, you will be aware that the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) was established on 1st July 2015”. Well, I’ll add to that – if you are a Digital Transformation Coordinator you might well feel that you have had a rock dropped on your head.

The plot so far…

For those of you who have been too busy to watch the DTO super-power marching on Canberra, here’s a very quick recap:

  • Paul Shetler has been appointed as head of the DTO, and he believes that Australia can become the best in the world at delivering government services – simpler, clearer, faster more humane ones.
  • Paul has branded himself as a non-bureaucratic champion of the people, leader of the digital age, who certainly doesn’t have any time for any stuff and nonsense which traditionalists have placed in his way.
  • The DTO has a very clean website, one my nineteen year old son might even like, that stands in contrast to the websites of most agencies and declares in big bold letters “working on things that matter”.
  • The dominate feature of the website is an upbeat blog that has a steady stream of positively-worded messages about how exciting the brave new world is, clearly designed to convey the impression that the DTO is a hive of activity bursting to transform the world.

Lights, camera, action…

But the DTO isn’t all blog and no action. It has defined a Digital Service Standard that sets 14 simple – but non-trivial – criteria which agencies are expected to meet. If a service being worked on doesn’t meet the standard, the service doesn’t progress. Ouch.

The standard comes with a range of ancillary items, such as Design guides, Common solutions, Case Studies and even a page on Transformation Planning. I wouldn’t argue with anything this latter page says, however I think what is more significant is what it doesn’t say. It tells agencies they must have a Digital Transformation Plan… and that is about it. It indicates that the DTO will assist agencies with the transformation planning process, but is short on specifics about what that actually means.

Against this background, on the 14 October the DTO announced on its blog, with the requisite dose of positivity and excitement, it’s Work Programme. Agencies are named, and simple compelling statements are made about the wonderful things that are just about to happen…

Did I mention this is a Spielberg Production?

Actually it isn’t, but the biggest name in town is involved – the Prime Minister himself has established the Digital Transformation Committee as a Cabinet Committee. Yep, you read that correctly – it sits up there alongside powerhouses of government operations such as the National Security and the Expenditure Review Committee.

(Talking of expenditure, I’m tipping that the PM isn’t just backing this because he loves iPads…)

So if you thought the DTO was just another self-absorbed interest group tugging on peoples sleeves pleading with them to pay attention, think again – the new kids on the block have teeth, sharp ones.

Here’s the part you will be playing…

So this is all looking pretty serious, and someone needs to make it happen. According to the DTO website, there will be an individual in each agency whose role in all this is as follows:

  • developing a Digital Transformation Plan;
  • influencing efforts in building digital capability;
  • implementing the Agenda within an agency;
  • delivering projects that underpin the Agenda;
  • acting as champions and leading their agency through cultural change, adopting a whole-of-government mentality;
  • collaborating with other DTCs across government;
  • ensuring that existing and new services are aligned with and meet the Digital Service Standard; and
  • making sure their agency uses government service delivery common platforms and joined-up services.

And who is that individual?

– it is you, the Digital Transformation Coordinator. Sweet dreams.


If you are an SES officer in the role of Digital Transformation Coordinator, and you are having trouble sleeping, please give us a call on 1300-774 623 or drop me a line at john.howarth@tannerjames.com.au.