Leading Transformation – Practical Guidance from the Public Sector

The complexity and scale of business transformation taking place now is completely unprecedented, with huge changes taking place in all sectors – private, public and not for profit. While transformation through projects and programs is not new, it is important for any organization to invest in building their capability to successfully lead, manage and [...]

Public sector agility requires good culture and proper governance

Almost everyone in Australia is aware of the banking royal commission. It issued an interim report about a month ago. The following extract from the report caught my eye: “Good culture and proper governance cannot be implemented by passing a law. Culture and governance are affected by rules, systems and practices but in the [...]

An (Agile) Planning Manifesto

I have been involved in project management for over 30 years. When I was first introduced to the discipline, I found it very exciting. The ability to conceive of a future, and then work with a team of people to see those ideas become real - turned into things that people use and value [...]

By |2019-11-25T05:55:34+11:00September 19th, 2018|Agile Culture, Agile Delivery, Digital Transformation|0 Comments

Agile to be used for implementation of the APS Review

As most of you know, an Independent Review of the Australian Public Service (APS) is underway. The deadline for submissions has been extended to 31 July 2018 (if you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to contribute here). The review will report in the first half of 2019. The scope of the review [...]

It is time for public sector governance to change

I’ll cut straight to the point here: the way Federal government departments and agencies implement policy and reform isn’t good enough. Well-intentioned public servants operating in entrenched bureaucratic structures and traditional ways of working is failing the taxpayer. It is high time we had a serious crack at doing things differently. Does the APS [...]

APS Review implementation – how to deliver lasting change

On 19th March the APS review shared its interim findings in the report Priorities for Change*. Aside from the findings, which have drawn out the usual bunch of Canberra has-beens and naysayers, the report says“…regardless of the richness of ideas about what needs to happen to prepare the APS for the future, making it [...]

This year’s budget process will be totally transformed

On Tuesday 8th May 2018 the Federal Budget will be delivered. It will be totally transformed, a budget like no other you have seen before. The delivery will change, the structure will change, the content will change and the impact on departments and agencies from 1 July 2018 will represent a seismic shift in [...]

By |2019-11-25T05:57:30+11:00March 14th, 2018|APS, Digital Transformation|0 Comments

Would you like some Benefits with that?

“Hello, welcome to the ICT area, may I take your order please?” “Hi there, I’d like a large digital transformation, with big data, plenty of agile, and I want it now” “Would you like some Benefits with that?” “Errr, sure, why not – get someone to cook them up and put them in a [...]

Deaf, Dumb and Digital

Digital transformation is great. The world is being disrupted. All the best companies are cool, they were only founded in the last few years, and don’t sell actual products. Social media equals success. The pace of change will only get faster. These are the messages coming from the Prime Minister down, and we’re lapping [...]

What does the USA election have to do with the Australian Public Service? – a great deal, but that’s not why you must read this.

The IPAA ACT 2016 conference took place on Thursday 10th November, and it was a superb event. Congratulations to IPAA, the speakers and everyone involved. The conference was filmed and video content is now available online, including a series of short and easily watchable highlights packages from each session and complete transcripts. These are [...]

By |2019-11-25T06:01:22+11:00November 18th, 2016|APS, Digital Transformation|0 Comments
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